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What’s Happening in Tech

MICROSOFT AT THE FOREFRONT Microsoft has built an image-captioning algorithm that surpasses human accuracy in specific tests. The company utilized the AI system to update its assistant application for the visually impaired with plans to integrate it into Outlook, Word, Powerpoint, and other Microsoft products. According to researchers, the model uses VIVO that utilizes paired […]

AI in the Financial Sector

Business intelligence, financial, copyright Rikkyal via Creative Market Jezri Mohideen Wholesale Chief Digital Officer, Nomura Merging Science and Finance 1996 was a promising year for the finance industry. Technology paved the way to a new and exciting field known as financial engineering. A field that allowed engineers to apply technical methodologies that result in unique […]

Three Coming Shifts in AI

The Artificial Intelligence, copyright GarryKillian via Creative Market Nearly every new day brings exciting news in the field of artificial intelligence. But what larger directional trends do these news items drive? Beyond the announcements and the hype, is AI really evolving? In this article, I’d like to focus not on far-off, vague hopes and wishes […]

What is GPT-3, and what does it mean for Natural Language Processing?

Robot thinker with the shadow of a man, copyright Studiostoks via Creative A language model is a probability distribution over a sequence of words—which is to say, it gives the likelihood that a particular sequence of words will appear in natural text or speech. An accurate language model can be used for a wide variety […]